Thursday, August 4, 2011

Reporting Live from Florence...

This morning I received a call from Fred our driver which I have now nick named "Clark Kent" and I am his "Lois Lane".  We have decided we will be chatting daily as he helps me develops the stories for the day & reports them in.

When the guys started off on this journey we knew it would be amazing, that there would be folks along the way that would touch their lives, we knew that at times it would be emotional however, already on Day 2 there are still some tears flowing.  As you watch the video that is attached to this post you can't help but be AMAZED...  The small coastal town of Florence, Oregon really knows how to give these guys a warm welcome.

Although Darrell, Dave & Fred were several hours past their scheduled arrival time the Fire Dept. and town was waiting for them.  A few miles outside of town the Florence Fire Dept asked them to stop at a Catholic church so that they could escort them in.  There were 6 Fire Trucks with lights & sirens all the way.  A great turnout of Florence residents were standing along the roads waving American flags & showing their support & love.

They had a wonderful meal for them along with some delicious fruit from the Fresno valley.  One of the young gals donates all the fruit to this department because her family owns a farm in Fresno, CA.  All the guys said how wonderful all of it tasted.

I asked Fred today after all the conversations that you have had with the firefighters in Florence what was a common theme shared about 9/11.  He shared that most of the firefighters spouses asked them "are you quitting", "be careful", & "be safe"...  The firefighters shared that never before had their spouses uttered these words.  As the guys listened to the stories they realized that these thoughts were probablly being said universally across the states to other spouses.  I know for myself (Stephanie) that a seed of fear was planted as well & my worries increased.

This morning as they were heading out of town exchanging shirts, selling apparel two of the firefighters ran out & started cleaning the windows of the SUV.  Their comment "you can't get on the road with dirty windows".  So as we say goodbye to Florence a "thank you" doesn't seem to be enough...  What awaits for the guys today we will see but we were are absolutely sure that this is what God had intended for this ride...  It is about community & relationships.


  1. That video is so cool...gave me goose bumps. God bless you guys!!!

  2. Wow, this brought tears to my eyes! What a great reception!

  3. thank you, thank you for sharing ... loved the video and blog. Love and hugs to all of you!

  4. Miss you guys already! I knew I should have quit my job and come with you. I'm thinking of you guys everyday and know you will be blessed everywhere you go. Love you all and thanks for taking care of them Fred!!

  5. I cant believe how great it has been so far
