Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 10 August 11, 2011

We thought it was going to be a fairly easy day, No! The first 25 miles were all up hill another 1200' of elevation gain to end around 7200' again. The remaining miles were done with a head wind but we managed 15 mph. When we arrived in Arco, We were met by Chief Dan Koste who said as soon as we were settled, there was a BBQ in the park for us. When we arrived there were 7 of 13 of their volunteers and their families waiting for us. What a spread of local recipes and I don't have a rib showing anymore.

As I was riding today my thought was I no longer look at the ride as a whole but just to enjoy what is in front of us. We were riding along so well that Driver Fred had a chance to dust off his clubs and get 18 in. We have all become voices for Santa Clara firefighters and representing all firefighters across the USA. We are working hard at connecting FDNY with everyone we meet.

I have been trying to figure out how the actual connection can be made and the idea came to me. Each fire department we come in contact with will have the opportunity to place their patch on the inside of our trailer door and when we get to Brooklyn, they will be able to take those patches off and keep them. Then they will have an idea who has participated. We'll have some pictures later put up on the blog to depict this.

We would like to hear your thoughts so please send them through the blog so everyone who is following can see. Sort of like a USA wide brainstorm.

I can honestly say that it is our connection with local communities and the people that give us the energy to carry us through and today I rode for Captain Patrick Brown who was one of FDNY's finest!

Proverbs 3:27-28 Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it is in your power to help them. If you can help your neighbor now, don't say come back tomorrow and then I'll help you.

1 comment:

  1. You guys continue to inspire us! We're following your ride and blog every day. Love the Proverbs verse (thanks for the reminder!) and the idea of sharing the patches is a winner. It not only shows FDNY what you've been up to, but also allows those along the way to, in a sense, ride with you. You guys are rockstars to us!
