Saturday, August 27, 2011

Good-bye Wheatland... Thank you to Calamus, Dewitt & Long Mount for your escort!!

Dave & Darrell rose early and had a great breakfast of biscuits & gravy... Steph slept in a bit & Fred was working on photos & videos...

Once we all got our things together it was time to say good-bye...  We had a few extra riders today so off we went...  Our first stop was in Calamus, Iowa.  They brought a rig out to escort us as well & also had a few little gifts for us. 

We hadn't even been out of Wheatland a few miles when Darrell turned around... We had no idea what he was doing but once he got back up with Dave he handed Dave his wallet... This was the 2nd time Dave dropped it...

On the road to Dewitt, Iowa we met up with our new friend Lonny & his wife, Lisa...  Lonny is a farmer so he doesn't drive a firetruck he has farm equipment.  So what do we see coming down the road to meet us is a big old John Deere tractor...  Steph was so excited because she got to ride in the tractor with Lonny all the way to Grand Mount, Iowa...  Until we meet again - thanks for ride Lonny!!  (Unfortunately no photos were taken)...  Fred, Dave & Darrell couldn't believe the biggest grin coming from Steph after she got out of the tractor...  She LOVED it & this was a first for her the city girl that she is!

Once we got to Dewitt, Iowa we met a few more guys & our three additional riders from Wheatland stopped here but we did gain one other rider, Jeff...  Dewitt took us out through the town since there was construction going on & dropped us off in Elvira, Iowa.  This would be the end of the escort...  Since the trip began this route was the longest of escorts that we had received... Never under estimate the power of these little towns!!  Again,  Thanks to all & a special thanks to Pat who started this from the beginning...

Along the way today we met another family that had exchange students from Taiwan & Germany..  They purchased some tank tops & gave us a donation.  The gal, Jennifer, has a cousin who is a firefighter in Clinton, Iowa so we had another detour to stop & meet some more guys in the service.  It was a pleasure meeting all of you...

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