Sunday, August 14, 2011

Day 13 August 14, 2011

Today was a partial down day for us. We arrived in Jackson Hole WY last night that ended with a downhill from an elevation of 8431 ft at speeds reaching  48.7 MPH, it was a fast ride to the bottom! What a blast :-))))) We arrived at JHFD sta 6 around 9:00 PM and found the biggest pan of ribs waiting for us. Along with that was corn on the cob, salad and homemade Huckleberry Cobbler from Chief Brian Coe and his wife Laura. Thank you to both of you for treating us to  a great time on this leg of the ride. We really felt special. A parade through town is always a nice touch too. We even had a woman on the side of the road asking why those bicyclist are chasing that fire truck? LOL

Our 40 mile ride through Grand Teton NP was also beyond words. All I can say is a bicycle is a great way to experience this place!!!!! Pictured here are Chief Coe and his wife. We'll be treating them to wine country when they come to California.

Today's ride was dedicated to  D/E Dave Euerle

Ecclesiastes 3:1
 For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.

1 comment:

  1. Darrell, Dave and Fred, Enjoying following your progress, great job! I hope your daily pre-trip insepctions prevent all mechanical mishaps, you have many more downhills (keep it below 35 please, we want you back in one piece) and on the flats, a stiff tail wind breeze at your back. We continue to wish you the best from Santa Clara Fire. Be safe!
    Randy Titus
