Thursday, August 4, 2011

Day 2 - The Road to Florence

We are on the road to Florence, Oregon.

Great night in Tomales with Marin Cal Fire. They treated us well and we slept even better. We loved the route for the first day. Dave asked at one point if I wanted a photo with the coast in the back round. I told it would't do it justice and that view was for us to experience. Plus we were on our 3rd climb for the second half of the ride. We were surprised in Sausalito with Marin Fire waiting to greet us when we came in. Thanks Craig!

As fate would have it, we met a family visiting from Chicago and they said they heard about us and will be meeting us in Iowa and leading us into Chicago and hosting us. Small world! Thank you Chicago Fire!!!

Please keep us in your prayers as we ride and for our family. We will be taking a small detour to Boise for a funeral for a very special Aunt who passed away. Margie the Matriarch, passed away and we will be attending the funeral. 

No worries though as Idaho is on our route and we won't miss a mile.

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