Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hometown Flooding

This leg will mark the half way point of our trip. 2600 miles logged.  It is fitting that it will be in the area of my hometown of Council Bluffs, IA. As we leave our new friends in Tekamah, NB headed for Crescent, IA via Omaha, NB and Council Bluffs, IA, most of you know, this area has been hit with excessive amounts of water from up north in snow run off and rain. It is one thing to see it on TV and another to see it in person. To hear the stories from the local communities and the fire departments as we go through and to see it in person is another story. All I kept saying to myself is look for the good in it and there is plenty. 

We made it to Omaha station 1 and KETV was waiting for us to do an interview. Then it was into the station to meet the guys and little did we know that they were preparing lunch for all of us. Nothing like firehouse spaghetti and salad. Thank you OFD!

Off to Council Bluffs with an escort from OPD to get over the Missouri River bridge and headed to CBFD headquarters. Great welcome from them and my family as we arrived. Strange that it took me 48 years to visit a station in my hometown. Thank you CBFD crew.

We arrived at Denny's Place in Crescent to a huge welcoming party. Overwhelming and a few surprise visits. A cousin and aunt drove four hours to see us for 10 minutes. Thank you Kim and Aunt Jo, luv you guys.  I also got to see Aunt Mary and my cousin Becky, who have stayed in touch through FB. We  didn't have near enough time to visit with everyone so if we didn't get a chance to speak with you, thank you for coming. Seems I spent a lot of time selling T-shirts which were a hit. Thanks for supporting B2B. On the way out on our next day we saw the Iowa side of the flooding. Farm houses in the middle of a lake, damage crops from baseball sized hail and cattle temporarily penned in smaller fields. Our prayers go out to all of you in this region. 

Iowa has been the hardest to travel through! Two lane highways with no shoulders, some not so courteous drivers and the headwinds along with humidity. Where are the mountains? They seemed easier to get through. Seems like the days are moving faster and that ground zero will be here before we know it. Cant imagine what that will be like but I know we are doing the right thing by honoring the 343 who died 10 years ago and for the family and friends that remain. 

Thank you to everyone who has been involved and keeping us going. We feel the prayers and hear the well wishes. Fred, Dave and I are very blessed!

Stay Tuned

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