Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Lights Camera Action

Today as we left Hobart, the ride was mostly uneventful but did that change when we got about five miles outside the town of Ligonier! We first saw in the distance flashing red lights and the back of the trailer. They were both off the side of the road and our first thought was Fred got pulled over by the popo. Turns out it was the fire chief coming out to meet us. As we headed on closer to town a FD water tender came out,  got behind us and Fred and followed behind until we got ready to make the turn into town. Three more FD rigs were waiting along with a local police and state trooper car. The highway was shut down for us. Our thoughts really gravitated to the fact that as we have gotten closer to Ground Zero. The energy is growing not for us but that everyone has caught onto our idea of honoring the 343 and the gratefulness of coming through their towns. An added touch to this night was as we were eating and visiting with the FD and their families, the Ligonier Mayor stopped by to greet us and let us know how important it was for us to choose their town and how grateful they are for it. This is a very caring community like so many others and we are humbled once again!

1 comment:

  1. Gives me chills EVERY TIME! Miss you guys lots and can't wait to see you! I'll be in your hood in less than 3 days!
